Monday 18 May 2009

Gosh another Award - Thank You

l am so pleased to receive this award and the thought that went into giving it so a big Thank You to

The rules are
1) link back to the person who gave it to you;
2) put the picture award on your blog;
3) you can nominate anyone and as many as you choose;
4) leave a fact that no one knows about you;
5) leave a comment on the blog that gave you this award
Its really hard to nominate people but l would like to pass on this award to

An unknown fact about myself, l meet my husband on an eyeball - thats CB language from 20 odd years ago- and it means we arranged to meet after talking on the CB radio.


  1. Awwwwwwww the words on the award are so lovely "inspiring hope, love and joy in daily life" :: beautiful.
    Thanks SO much Julie, that means a lot.
    Hugs to you

  2. Thank you Julie for the inspirational award.

    Love Caroline x

  3. Thank you Julie for this award.
